Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Free Reading Intervention Program “Reading Boot Camp”

Free Reading Intervention Program

Purposes 1) Launch students into the rigorous and intensive
reading and writing program that is taught throughout the year:
 2) Accelerate the closure of the academic achievement
 gap in lowest quartile students; and 3) Teach the students
 school etiquette, classroom manners, discipline, responsibility
 and a foundations in classic children’s literature...

The 20 Day Intervention Is Fast, Rigorous, Enriching, and Fun.

Free Reading Intervention Program Quick Look

Buddy Reading
Endurance Reading
Music and Lyrics
Comprehension Building Games 
Vocabulary Sparkle
Peer Tutoring
Fireside Book Club
Great Class Reading Sets
Reading Master By Grade Competition

World Class Education

Students and parents may not expect much from public school theses
days, my class is the exception, studensts receive a world class
college preparatory experience from the rigorous demanding
curriculum to the high expectations of meticulous manners and

Old School Decorum

We learn old school social etiquette and manners as soon as students
enter the class. We start with students standing for visiting dignitaries
(parents or teachers), cordial professor and student salutations, and
professor-student colloquy. Students are looking for direction and
purpose in life and learning social etiquette, manners, and protocol
give them a sense of honor and virtue. Sorry for the multisyllabic
verbiage but we are talking old school decorum. Students who
shine and take to the superior manners are given the job of class
prefect to help students acquire needed politeness.

Teach students school etiquette, classroom manners, discipline
and responsibility during literacy instruction by literary examples
and class modeling. Students begin reading manors and etiquette
stories within minutes of entering class the first day. They
learn very quickly that the purpose of school is reading, writing,
character, manners, and reading and reasoning. The first four
weeks are dedicated to teaching the reading and writing process
and studenting skills needed for success. We select an award-
winning, high-- interest book for the entire class, usually one
grade above what is normally taught, to insure all students are
challenged. Begin by pairing a high-quartile student with a low
-quartile student ( sometimes the groups must include three or
four students to ensure a high performing student in every group).
The class is introduced to the book and given instruction on the
process of journaling.  The teacher reads the first two pages,
stopping to show the students the Metacognition of reading and
the analysis that competent readers demonstrate. Students always
have a book in hand when the teacher  is reading, to ensure that
students see and hear the words. Students are never read to.
They must have the book to read along with the teacher or
their partners. The teacher rereads the two pages to the class,
then to identify and review interesting vocabulary, and to explain
complex passages. Student volunteers are asked to follow the
teacher’s example and read and then reread with comprehension
checks. The paired students are always looking to see if their partners
are on task and following the reading. The entire chapter is read and
reread in this exemplar by the class and teacher before students are
dismissed to follow the teacher’s example in their paired reading groups.

Before you begin your search for a reading solution for your school, you
will need to take time for deep introspection on why you are seeking
a reading intervention. Test results never played into my thinking when
implementing new methods. I was only concerned that I could not let
70% of my students pass through my class with out learning to read
and love literature. Spending 20 days of high intensity, literary immersion,
is not for the faint of heart. You may have total support from your students
who struggle with reading. They will see your mindful wisdom and join the
journey with passion. Parents who desire an education for their children
will love the idea and support you fully. In a perfect world, you will have
love and support from your administrator, parents, fellow teachers, and

Results! 25 days August-September 2010

Students growth, 31% POINTS in reading (NWEA MAP), 
Students growth, 
34% POINTS in language arts (NWEA MAP)

Reading Boot Camp ran 

normal, twenty five days
because I had more students on IEPs and 
English Language 
Learners than last year and the behavior was far from ready 
for instruction. The class
is now 74% at or above the mean 
in reading in all 
domains, and 87% of students are 

reading at grade

level in the domain on 
reading comprehension (NWEA MAP)! 

Results! 2008-2009

Reading and Language Percentile Growth:
READING(from 31.7% to 67.9%),
LANGUAGE (from 38.8% to 72.3%),
and stanine growth READING (3.8 stanines), 
and stanine growth LANGUAGE(3.5 stanines). 
This is for a population where 86% of the students 
were SLL, SEI, LD, and at-risk.

More to Come!

More Information on My Reading Boot Camp 
Program Comming Soon To
Free Reading Intervention Program
Free E-books From


Sean Taylor said...

Reading programs have become a billion dollar industry and they promise a failing district an average +0.50 extra reading growth in one year. Your district just has to spend $75,000 for a school license, teacher training, and materials and you get +.50 year's progress. My students have achieved the "impossible" for four years and they improved +1.50 AVERAGE in just twenty days. Reading Boot Camp serves one objective -- to teach students that to fail in reading is impossible. We refuse to let failure happen. It is time to slay your doubts and let your students do the 'impossible.'It is time to slay the jabberwocky. No gimmicks, no flash, just rigorous instruction and high goals will do.

Sean Taylor said...

8:35 Morning Motivational “Can I get an Hazzah ”: We start every day by ”brain
washing” the kids using the old fashion method of classic fairy tales. I share the epic stories of courage, virtue, honor, perseverance, responsibility, duty, fortitude, chivalry, civility, empathy, sacrifice, and most importantly, an exemplary work ethic. Sean Taylor M.Ed.

Sean Taylor said...

Using FAIRY TALES to Teach Literacy!
The fairy tale has a place in the training of children which common sense and a sympathetic attitude toward childhood will not deny. Some rigid philosophers, who see no more of life than is to be found in logical science, condemn the imaginative tale. They regard the teaching of myths and stories as the telling of pleasant lies, which, if harmless, are wasteful. What the child acquires through them, he must sooner or later forget or unlearn. Such arguments carry conviction until one perceives that their authors are measuring the worth of all teaching in terms of strictly intellectual products. Life is more than precise information; it is impulse and action. The fairy tale is a literary rather than a scientific achievement. Its realities are matters of feeling, in which thought is a mere skeleton to support the adventure. It matters little that the facts alleged in the story never were and never can be. The values and ideals which enlist the child's sympathy are morally worthy, affording a practice to those fundamental prejudices toward right and wrong which are the earliest acquisitions of a young soul. The other characteristics of the tale--the rhythmic, the grotesque, the weird, and the droll--are mere recreation, the abundant playfulness which children require to rest them from the dangers and terrors which fascinate them. The fairy tale, like every other literary production, must be judged by the fitness of its
emotional effects. Fairyland is the stage-world of childhood, a realm of vicarious living, more elemental and more fancy-free than the perfected dramas of sophisticated adults whose ingrained acceptance of binding realities demands sterner stuff. The tales are classics of a particular kind; they are children's classics, artful adaptations of life and form which grip the
imaginations of little folks. The diet of babes cannot be determined by the needs of grownups.
A spiritual malnutrition which starves would soon set in if adult wisdom were imposed on children for their sustenance. The truth is amply illustrated by those pathetic objects of our acquaintance, the men and women who have never been boys and girls. To cast out the fairy tale is to rob human beings of their childhood, that transition period in which breadth and richness are given to human life so that it may be full and plastic enough to permit the creation of those exacting efficiencies which increasing knowledge and responsibility compel. We cannot omit the adventures of fairyland from our educational program. They are too well adapted to the restless, active, and unrestrained life of childhood. They take the objects which little boys and girls know vividly and personify them so that instinctive hopes and fears may play and be disciplined. While the fairy tales have no immediate purpose other than to amuse, they leave a substantial by-product which has a moral significance. In every reaction which the child has for distress or humor in the tale, he deposits another layer of vicarious experience which sets his character more firmly in the mould of right or wrong attitude. Every sympathy, every aversion helps to set the impulsive currents of his life, and to give direction to his personality. Because of the important aesthetic and ethical bearings of this form of literary experience, the fairy stories must be rightly chosen and artfully told. In no other way can their full worth
in education be realized. They are tools which require discrimination and skill. Out of the
wisdom of one who knows both tales and children, and who holds a thoughtful grasp on educational purpose, we offer this volume of unusually helpful counsel.

Sean Taylor said...

The fairy tale has a place in the training of children which common sense and a sympathetic attitude toward childhood will not deny. Some rigid philosophers, who see no more of life than is to be found in logical science, condemn the imaginative tale. They regard the teaching of myths and stories as the telling of pleasant lies, which, if harmless, are wasteful. What the child acquires through them, he must sooner or later forget or unlearn.

Sean Taylor said...

One Minute Word Wall Drills
During Reading Boot Camp
Word walls are used daily to build phonemic awareness,word attack skills, and comprehension. Students will read the word walls up to 5 times per day, as needed, at the start of school to reinforce fluency and critical word comprehension. The drills are a quick one-time read through that take about one minute to read the 20-30 words with a few reminders of the words meaning. Ask students to set the pace and use the pointer to guide students. Students with attention problems do well with this task.Remember this is a super-fast drill to build fluency and word attack and cursory comprehension.
Sean Taylor M.Ed.

Sean Taylor said...

Day Two
Goals, Goals, and More Goals

Our First Goals Are Quick!

Use a teacher made fluency chart to get a raw word per minute score for each student and set goals using that data. Most of my kids entering 4th grade read 60 words per minute from a third grade passage. We work on building fluency on just one passage at a time to impart confidence and desire to keep going. We will read that passage up to 16 times a day with teacher and student modeling. The kids take the fluency test the next day and some jump up 60-80 words per minute in just one day. You may say this has no real literacy value for the kids. To the students it is an epiphany that hard work and practice can have amazing results! This keeps students excited and even more motivated to do exceptional during Reading Boot Camp!

8:45 Morning goals and preview: We set daily, weekly, and monthly goals, with active
charting of all data for a strong visual cue of each student's progress. Class and student
goals are always set at or above grade level, even for students who are four years below
grade level. All class goals are posted in the class and updated regularly as students meet
and surpass goals. Daily goals include tasks completed for homework and class work. For
intermediate students, we list at least seven daily goals: 1) I will read, analyze, and
diagram four poems, and select one to memorize for daily recitation; 2) I will read two
short stories and complete vocabulary comprehension exercises; 3) I will read two
chapters from a grade-level text and write a story map for each; 4) I will write fifteen,kid-friendly sentences with at least six to eight words each using the review vocabulary; 5) I will write one poem in student-selected cursive in my Book of Memories ( a collection of students best work and cherished knowledge); 6) I will learn twenty five new words, ideas, facts, jokes, stanzas, phrases, limericks, rhymes, riddles, antonyms, synonyms, quotes, parables, folktales, myths, fables, and or fairy tales; and 7) I will learnm and have fun! “Try to learn 25 new things everyday at school or at home!” Goals: Students who meet their daily, weekly, and monthly goals can earn time for art lessons, hot cocoa with the teacher, Chinese noodles for lunch, homework passes, and the kids favorite a ten-minute dance party.

Sean Taylor M.Ed.