Saturday, April 23, 2011

Buddy Reading: Reading Strategies

Buddy Reading: Building Fluency Strategies

"And when we’re practicing our fluency, We sit in cop cars. You know how cops talk to each other like one is facing north or east and the other south or west? Yup! That’s how we sit! Mr. Taylor calls it “buddy buzz” at times. The reason why We sit in cop cars is to listen to the reader better and see the text better." Sabrina

All student use a simple buddy reading method, that I call "Cop Cars Reading".

Students sit facing the opposite direction like cops that park front to back to talk.  Students sit "Cop Cars" to monitor word tracking, word for word tracking with their finger and listening. This seated positioned enables the reading partners to better listen and assist with fluency. Students also do a modified standing Cop Cars to make quick transitions between vocabulary practice, singing songs, and fluency drills. Students use "Cop Cars" for buddy reading, choral reading,

The Reason Buddy Reading Is Successful!

1. Language and reading is a function of auditory learning, students learn 6 times faster when listening, reading orally, and speaking. Language and vocabulary are mastered with repetition and modeling. When a reading teacher relies too heavily on silent reading and silent writing activities, the speed of auditory learning is lost. By finding creative and effective ways to provide more listening, oral reading, and speaking activities during buddy reading, you can give all learners in your reading class an accelerated chance to develop their literacy skills. During buddy reading the students are ether reading text or listening to text being modeled the entire day. The repetition of seeing, hearing, and speaking daily builds pathways exponentially the further you get into the program the greater the automaticity.

2. Students as teachers, using buddy reading/cooperative partners for 90% of the activities builds accountability for the teams, partners, and personal learning. Students are trained to work as teachers with the ability to run all buddy reading activities with little assistance from the teacher. Students know all expected learning outcomes and work to meet individual goals and team goals. Students as teachers multiplies the effectiveness of on task behavior and helps student monitor individual progress and partners progress (Force Multiplier).

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